Nos Programmes

(1-3 years old)
CHÂTEAUTHETS Thanks to our Foreign Language Supported Play Workshops, we help children get to know English/French and develop their ear.
(2-5 years old)
This program, which prepares children for kindergarten and after school by providing them with all the basic skills, has been developed based on social, emotional and mental development.
(6-12 years old)
They learn English and French at the 3-stage A1 level (beginner), which we group according to levels and ages, by adhering to the European Language Portfolio.

CHÂTEAUKIDS Benefits of the Program


Our Education Principles

The child's language is play.
CHÂTEAUKIDSIn , our language is game. Play attracts the body and arouses desire. This sensitivity engages the child in communicative behavior. It develops students' emotional skills by making the child experience certain feelings such as teamwork, cooperation and solidarity. Child; Thanks to the game, children acquire and develop skills such as classification, ordering, and awareness of the concept of time and space. Mistakes are inevitable during the game. Children learn by making mistakes through education through play.
Theatre, music, painting and sports disciplines should be used together in language learning.
CHÂTEAUKIDSEducation in Turkey includes different disciplines. Children; From birth, they begin to apply what they have learned through imitation. Therefore, theater is indispensable for our education.
While children improve their foreign languages through music, they develop their physical, social and mental skills with songs, dances, instruments and movement-based games. They develop their creativity and self-expression skills through painting within the framework of a foreign language. While they develop their strength, self-confidence, flexibility and social skills through sports, they learn a foreign language by experiencing it with commands in a foreign language.
A safe environment should be created to play and learn.
CHÂTEAUKIDSThere are safe areas with freedom of movement where children can play freely. Our equipment and play materials are prepared according to the age groups of children. Hygiene is indispensable. Hygiene studies are carried out in our institution very frequently with nano silver ion technology. The health and safety of children is our priority.
The most beneficial period for language learning is between the ages of 2-7
CHÂTEAUKIDSForeign language education starts at the age of 2. Children between the ages of 2 and 7 complete their language learning development and begin to think with symbols. Due to their flexible brain structures, children learn the language they learn faster and in a way that is close to their native language pronunciation, especially until the age of 5. They keep information in their minds for a long time.

CHÂTEAUKIDS, is the Château project of TZL Management Consultancy.

Château; He set out together with his young and dynamic instructor staff who are well-versed in all the dynamics of the French education system, graduated from the best recognized high schools and universities in Turkey, especially Galatasaray University, have at least 11 years of private teaching experience, and work professionally in the education community. It was established to achieve success with people.

Play is an art of learning!
The child's language is play!
The game breaks up the monotonous practice environment!
Kids eagerly await logic & problem solving!


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Opinions of Our Parents
