The Most Important Age Range for Foreign Language Learning in Children…

According to experts, learning becomes more permanent when foreign language education begins at an early age. In the education programs initiated in early childhood in European Union countries, students are enabled to learn all subjects in interaction. Boğaziçi University Foreign Languages Department faculty member Prof. explains that the age between 2 and 7 is the most productive period in learning a language. Dr. Yasemin Bayyurt touched upon the importance of the early period by saying, "Foreign language education for 3-5 year old children is different from 7-9 year old children." Bayyurt gave the following suggestions to families:
The period when the learning capacity is at its highest is at a young age. Scientific studies on children learning foreign languages show that the age at which they start learning a language is 3-4. This process happens naturally. In the first months of their lives, babies have the capacity to perceive 200 sounds that make up all languages in the world. Over time, they lose these abilities and begin to form their first meaningful words and sentences using the sounds and words they hear from their parents or caregivers and learn to speak. Babies aged 24-30 months communicate by making grammatically simple meaningful sentences in their native language. Due to their flexible brain structures, children learn the language they learned until the age of 5 faster and in a way that is close to their native language pronunciation. They keep information in their minds for a long time.

2-7 years olds The most profitable period between. In this process, children improve their language learning development.

begins to complete and think in symbols. Even if they think about events from only one side, they can reason, even if limited. They are self-centered and cannot perceive someone else's point of view. In this period, they adopt and perceive the second language offered to them by looking at it holistically. Therefore, the ideal time to teach a second language to children is 3 years old. During this period, the child has partially completed his development in his first language and can form simple, simple sentences. Vocabulary also expands to 300. This is asAmada is the child of a second languagegpresenting a to its coming in the first languagesany imprint sIt does not affect the way. Because you knowsstill as a flood sThey look at the eye as a whole. Education should be provided by teachers who are trained in this field, understand child development and psychology, and know how to learn a language. Because 3-5 years olds childgForeign language education to be given togbetween 7-9sIt differs from . In European countries, raising children in a multilingual and multicultural environment starts early. Thus, individuals who can communicate well between different societies are raised in the future. Especially since English is a global language, many countries can determine their education policies accordingly. In addition, good teaching and an effective learning environment are also required in primary schools, especially in kindergarten.
