Nowadays, with very little time left until the first quarter of the 21st century, foreign language teaching continues to be a subject that almost everyone, from ordinary people to educators, ponders in many countries of the world. Especially in countries where economic development efforts are continuing, foreign language teaching continues to be a problem that requires considerable effort and money.
The technological, industrial, political, military, commercial and financial gains that the world currently has will motivate people to learn languages other than their mother tongue in the future, as in the past. Foreign language teaching English, Spanish, German, of french as well as depending on changing world conditions Chinese, Russian, Arabic

New Generations and Education
While artificial intelligence opportunities are rapidly shaping our lives, they are also making the numerical-based skill differences between generations increasingly evident. generation word TDK It is defined as "a community of people who were born in approximately the same years, who were obliged to meet the conditions of the same age and therefore with similar duties", while in the context of the philosophy of history and cultural history, generation is defined as "groups of people who are separated from the past with clear lines by uniting in a new understanding, a new sense of life, and new styles". It is used in the sense of “.
Based on these definitions, people around the world generally refer to the "silent generation" (1927-1945), "baby boom” (1946-1964), “X” (1965-1979), “Y” (1980-1994), “Z.” (1995- 2010) and “AlphaThey are grouped as the " (2011 and later) generations.
Just as artificial intelligence has a paradigm effect that changes our lives, the Alpha generation, which is mainly in pre-school and primary education today and was born directly into technology, will inevitably make the reshaping of educational life inevitable.
As people born directly into technology and the online world, Alpha generation's interaction with technology will be at a very high level. They will access information much faster and more comprehensively compared to previous generations. Personalized entertainment and online learning opportunities will play a very decisive role in their lives.
A Brand New Educational Design
Compared to the generations
These skills and personality traits inevitably make it inevitable to re-define and design everything in the education and training environment, from curriculum to classrooms, from materials to measurement, and including teacher training. Preparing the Alpha generation, which will shape the 21st century and beyond, for the world of algorithms into which they were born and with which they will live, and raising qualified human resources, which will have a significant impact on building the future, imposes important responsibilities on all decision makers and practitioners of the education world.

Foreign language teaching, which is a part of education and training, will also need to take into account the needs of the alpha generation, their personal skills and learning styles, in the light of the above mentioned at every school level. In this context, the teaching environment is digitalized, personal devices such as tablets and mobile phones can be used, learning is personalized, homework can be done digitally, counseling is carried out online, fast and instant feedback is given, subjects are processed in a fluid and flexible way, rewards are given more frequently, subject contents are more detailed. such as creating learning environments where the language is taught in small sections, students' creativity and ability to use technology are utilized at a high level, gamification is used intensively, and language use is made more meaningful by turning the foreign language learned into a tool by holding simultaneous lessons with classes from different geographies of the world with internet facilities. It is thought that these criteria will enable full learning to occur.
It would not be wrong to predict that the new learning environment will facilitate access to the Alpha generation, as well as transform foreign language teaching into a more effective form than it was in the past by implementing a collaborative learning environment instead of a competitive learning environment.
You can access our French and English playful language programs for children aged 6-12 here.
You can access our special programs for French Schools here.