Çocuk Gelişimi

2-5 Yaş Çocuklar İçin İngilizce
English for Children 2 – 5 Years Old

Certain requirements await young people who dream of a beautiful future in this journey, one of the most important of which is knowing a foreign language. In the globalizing world, it is difficult to get good positions without knowing a foreign language. Language acquisition is a great investment not only in business life but also in expanding one's horizons. Knowing more than one language provides certain benefits to a person throughout his life. First of all, intelligence capacity, memory development, […]

çocuklar için fransızca
French for Children 2 – 5 Years Old

Certain requirements await young people who dream of a beautiful future in this journey, one of the most important of which is knowing a foreign language. In the globalizing world, it is difficult to get good positions without knowing a foreign language. Language acquisition is a great investment not only in business life but also in expanding one's horizons. Knowing more than one language provides certain benefits to a person throughout his life. First of all, intelligence capacity, memory development, […]

çocuklarda cinsel kimlik ve cinsel kimlik gelişimi

Identity is a concept that shows what qualities and characteristics a person has and who he is for himself and others. When an individual describes who he is, he also mentions his ethnicity, family and social environment. Other factors that are effective in identity formation are gender identity and sexual identity. These two identities have different meanings. Gender identity is when a person is born […]

Çocuklarda İnatçılık ve Karşı Gelme

Healthy communication within the family is important for child mental health. While families spend time together to ensure this communication, children may sometimes have different opinions from their families. They may want to express these thoughts and get into conflict with their families. Some children who are called 'Stubborn' by their families may show the characteristics of the period. For this reason, families […]

ergenlik dönemi yapılması gerekenler çocuklarda ergenlik

Adolescence is an intermediate point and a transition phase between childhood and adulthood. In this period, where adult thoughts and discourses are added to childish attitudes and behaviors, being socially accepted, being liked by people, and being a member of a group are vital issues. During this period, while young people experience emotional and social fluctuations, some sexual and physical differences occur. […]

Boşanmanın Çocuklardaki Etkisi

Family is an institution formed by the bonds of love and symbolizing unity. No person enters into a marriage dreaming that they will get divorced. However, in some cases, couples think that they cannot continue their marriage and decide to divorce. However, parents may be worried about the condition of their children, and this worry brings with it many questions. […]

Pandemi Sürecinde Uzaktan Eğitim, Başarı ve Psikoloji
Distance Education, Success and Psychology During the Pandemic

With the global Covid-19 epidemic, we, as the whole world, are going through a process we have never experienced before. This process not only threatened our health, but also caused necessary change and transformation in every aspect of our lives. In this traumatic period when we are faced with sudden change of order, disruption of plans, suspension of goals and uncertainty, healthy individuals also experience stress, internal unrest, anxiety, worry, […]

erken yaşta dil eğitimi çocuk gelişimi ve çocuklarda dil öğrenimi

In current research on early bilingual education programs, it is argued that second language teaching has many contributions to the child. Especially in studies based on the Critical Period Hypothesis, it is stated that bilingual education programs have positive contributions to the child's language and cognitive development. In these studies, it is generally emphasized that early childhood years are a critical period not only in the mother tongue but also in the second language.
